Rental locations

Diamond Cars offices

Diamond Cars München

Nördliche Münchener Str. 9c
82031 Grünwald

+49 (0)89 377 997 560

Places of delivery Germany

Diamond Cars Rosenheim

Oberaustraße 34
83026 Rosenheim

+49 (0)89 377 997 560

Diamond Cars Augsburg

Winterbruckenweg 53
86316 Friedberg
OMV Tankstelle

+49 (0)89 377 997 560

Diamond Cars Landshut

Luitpoldstraße 34
84034 Landshut
OMV Tankstelle

+49 (0)89 377 997 560

Places of delivery Austria

Diamond Cars Kufstein

Endach 33
6330 Kufstein

+49 (0)89 377 997 560

Diamond Cars Salzburg

Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 97
5020 Salzburg
Turmöl Tankstelle

+49 (0)89 377 997 560

Diamond Cars Innsbruck

Amraser-See-Straße 56b
6020 Innsbruck
Shell Tankstelle

+49 (0)89 377 997 560
Why rent with Diamond Cars?
  • Always new models
  • Quick and simple reservation
  • Delivery to all European cities
  • Premium cars with fair pricing
  • Friendly 24h customer service
  • Rent sports cars from the age of 21